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Online works based on the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


The Men Upon the Planet, Moon

by James S. Brush

The revelatory theological writings of Swedenborg are singular in making very few predictions of natural events or assertion of facts that were unknown in his day. However, there is one unique and amazing exception to this generalization. This is the particularized and detailed account of men (and from the spirits in the spiritual world) living on other planets in the universe given in the work, Earths In The Universe. Until the moon probe program begun by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), there were only earth-based telescopic data from which to test Swedenborg's prediction about one of the earths he discussed, namely, our moon. The latter type of data, although fascinating, did not have the force of the closeup television pictures, photographs, and testimony produced by the astronauts who orbited and landed on the moon. However, the public pronouncements concerning that immense undertaking have never mentioned the possibility of men upon the planet . The spirit and tenor of those papers and statements, moreover, have followed the general conclusion arrived at before the program began-that the moon is a "dead and airless planet". In none of the investigations carried out by the astronauts when they visited the moon was there ever included one whose aim was to detect biological life, let alone men upon the moon. The negative results of the analysis of the original moon rocks for chemical compounds associated with living organisms was presumed to rule out such a possibility.

Yet the logic of an introductory passage to Earths In The Universe (n. 3) is irrefutable.

..... For it is an inference of reason that such huge bodies as the planets are, some of which exceed this earth in magnitude, are not empty bodies, created only to be carried to rotate around the sun and to shine with their scanty light for the benefit of one earth only; but that they must needs have a nobler use than this. He who believes, as everyone ought to believe, that the Divine created the universe for no other end than the existence of the human race, and of a heaven from it (for the human race is the seminary of heaven), cannot but believe that wherever there is an earth, there are human beings."

To paraphrase many passages from the Writings, 'the Divine created the universe not from nothing, but from Himself. Since He is the veriest Man, the highest beings which He creates are in form men who can receive His Life directly. Therefore, all of the rest of the created universe are mediate forms meant to support the life of men. The latter through the auspices and leading of the Divine Providence are free to choose a life to eternity in heaven.

Why then, the question inevitably follows, have no men been seen on the moon? The introduction to the answer to the question is first to ask another: "Is the moon truly a dead and airless planet?" By "dead" is meant geologically dead, i.e., there are no surface modifying processes occurring. But, since recording instruments have been placed upon the moon, it has been found that the moon is by no means geologically dead.

There are frequent earthquakes which seem to be correlated with its gravitational interaction with the earth. Yet there has been photographed on the far side of the moon the dry bed of what must have been at one time an enormous river. It is the considered opinion of NASA scientists that it undoubtedly had flowing water within it for a long time in the past. There has been detected by another of the instruments placed upon the moon a very large fountain of water which flowed for over an hour and which was interpreted to be a geyser. On earth of course geysers are generated by water coming in contact with molten rock deep within the earth. It is due to the existence of such a hot fluid interior that surface-changes in structure such as earthquakes, volcanoes and the formation of mountains, occur.

Also bearing upon the question of the "deadness" of the moon is a large class of unexplained phenomena which NASA scientists have grouped together and given the abbreviation, LTP, for Lunar Transient Phenomena. These consist of a variety of events of which NASA has catalogued more than a thousand since the NASA program began. They have occurred in over 90 separate sites. One class of them can be designated obscurations. Thus, parts of a crater or sometimes the entire floor will become obscured for up to several hours when viewed through a telescope while all of the surrounding features are clear and distinct. Some are like hovering clouds which extend over large areas of the surface. One of the pictures taken by the Apollo 16 spacecraft (No. 72-H-i 113) shows a streaming cloud several miles long seeming to glow with its own light flowing over the surface and down into a crater.

Such phenomena are intriguing from the fact that they should not be able to exist. The surface of the moon is generally presumed to exist in a nearly total vacuum. Clouds of any sort require a suspending medium like those of our earth, which are for the most part droplets of liquid water or ice suspended in the mixture of oxygen and nitrogen gases that comprizes our atmosphere.  In a vacuum they would either immediately become an invisible gas or, if cold enough, particles of ice which would immediately fall to the surface. Dust in a vacuum clings very tightly to every surface as it did to the spacesuits of the astronauts when they walked on the moon. It cannot remain as a cloud of dispersed particles unless there is a suspending gaseous medium. Yet emissions of gases have been observed occurring at various points on the moon. The astrophysicist, V. A. Firsoff, has concluded ". . . that large quantities of volatiles (gases) remain locked inside the Moon in a vast system of underground caves at a moderate depth below the surface. . . . on the Moon the permafrost seal helps to bar the escape of water to the surface."* The Russian astronomer, N. A. Kozyrev, in another example of LTP, saw red glows and an emission of gas of high temperature on 3 November 1958 and 23 October 1959 in the center of the bulwark-plain of Alphonsus.** A. Greenacre and B. Barr at the Lowell Observatory, U.S.A. on 30 October 1963 noticed reddish-orange glows declining to ruby-red in the mountain ring, Aristarchus. The glows endured for 25 minutes and reappeared on 28 November 1963. On the latter date they were succeeded by a blue haze which lasted more than an hour. The size of these light sources has been estimated to vary between 1/2 and 2 miles in diameter.** Sporadic venting of what are called radio-genic gases (gases derived from the disintegration of radioactive elements) containing argon, helium and radioactive radon have been detected from the moon's surface in very large amounts (15 tons total/year).*** It is believed that these products arise from the decay of the elements uranium-238, potassium-40 and thorium-222.

* The Solar Planets by V. A. Firsoff (Crane, Russak and Co., New York NY, 1977), p. 73. ** ibid., p. 71. *** Nature, Vol. 278, pp. 152-153, 1979.

The above examples are but a few of a multitude indicating that the moon is by no means dead, and that though it may be relatively airless on its surface it must contain vast quantities of gases from some source below its surface.

But the most important question remains to be examined, "Is there any evidence for the existence of the men who were predicted to live in the moon."* The author, George Leonard,** has examined several thousand of the more than 100,000 photographs which have been taken during the course of the various NASA missions sent to the moon. He has published 35 of them which he believes very definitely show signs of intelligent activity upon the surface of the moon as well as huge constructions of apparently purposeful design. Towers or spires taller than the tallest building on earth appear in certain of the mission photographs. The latter are described as being "whitish," and "gleam in the sunlight." They are constructed of material different from the surrounding moonscape. However, none of the lunar landings came close enough to obtain surface pictures of the spires.***

* Earths in the Universe, n. 112. ** Someone Else is On The Moon, by George Leonard (Pocket Books-Div. of Simon and Shuster, 1230 Ave. of the Americas, New York, NY, 1977). *** Ibid. p. 167.

There are seen in various of the lunar photographs a number of larger objects in the shape of an X. They are found primarily on the edges of craters and on terraces immediately adjoining the edges. The lines forming the X are mostly straight, but sometimes curved, and are from one to three miles in length. They are often in areas where there is apparent excavation or remolding of a crater wall or terrace. Leonard proposes that many objects seen in the pictures are sculptured into artistic forms of intelligent design. The obtaining of some of the photographs discussed-they are available to the public-has confirmed that the objects are visible upon close examination with the aid of an ordinary hand magnifying lens. Most of the photographs have been taken from the space capsules which orbited the moon and the minimum distance from the objects is several miles. Though the photographs are of excellent quality, the perceiving of objects with distinct forms require patient study. Leonard has commented only on the more obvious ones for there are many unusual details the meaning of which is obscure.

Leonard's book is therefore very useful in its demonstration in the lunar photographs of the presence of intelligent design in the structures appearing there. Since man is the only creature through whom intelligence in designed and manufactured objects is manifested it follows that the existence of such objects on the moon is evidence that men are there. The book, though, is not without flaws. It was written to be sold and thus incorporates elements of the more extreme of the UFO literature as the basis for some interpretations in order, apparently, to appear to a wider audience.

A large number of the UFO sightings are indeed real as the collected evidence of the Air Force Project Blue Book has amply demonstrated. There is extensive evidence for intelligent activity in many of those sightings, and it cannot, therefore, be other than of human origin. The deriving of a relationship between UFO, moon data and extremist UFO speculations is a theory with little support.  In this regard, though, the author admits that it is not an objective scientific work (though there are a considerable number of points that are quite analytical and rational). Yet Leonard has originated a type of analysis that would be extremely useful if it were extended carefully and analytically.

But there remains a question of great importance; thus, why have NASA and its large staff of highly trained experts not concluded that there is evidence of intelligently directed activity in and on the moon, and why does it continue to be maintained that it is a "dead and airless planet"? Certainly their analysis of the moon photos is much more thorough than that of one professional writer (Leonard), for NASA employs many professionals whose combined expertise far exceeds his.

The answer lies in the traditions of scientific analysis. As pointed out in a previous article by this writer, (New Philosophy) modern science arose in an atmosphere of reaction to the excesses of philosophic speculation and ecclesiastical suppression. It incorporated from its beginning a tradition that theories and hypotheses were to be extremely limited in scope and even then always supported by data and observations capable of reproduction by others. Especially to be avoided were any aspects having religious implications. Even the incorporation of the phrase, "the appearance of intelligent design" in describing the form of an object seen in a photograph of the surface of the, moon would prevent its acceptance for publication in a scientific journal. Individual scientists can speculate upon the theological significance of scientific findings in public, but never in the pages of their professional publications. This tradition, however, discourages the few who might draw such conclusions from making them broadly known. In addition the military has been a very large element in the space program. Its penchant for secrecy may be a factor, but it is probably a minor one.

The other lesser question is why, in spite of a large amount of evidence to the contrary, is the moon still considered to be 'dead' geologically? The answer is that this conclusion is being challenged in professional discussions, but the debate has not made its way as yet into public awareness. In the chapter on the moon of Firsoff's The Solar Planets, reference is made to the differing and contending positions in the matter, and he places himself on the side of a 'living' moon.

Thus accepting as we must from rational imperatives the necessity of there being men on an active 'living' moon the important question arises as to how they came into being. No direct answer is given in Earths In The Universe.

It has been theorized and widely accepted since the time of the publication of Charles Darwin's book, Origin Of The Species (1859) that all living creatures on our earth have arisen by the gradual evolutionary development of the species (including man) each one of which is ever so slowly, but constantly, changing through the random processes of mutation into new ones. Challenging these concepts, however, are the Creationists, who argue very effectively and persuasively that the evidence of the fossil record is in complete disagreement with evolutionary theory. There it is seen that new species have arisen in discrete steps with no evidence of transitional forms. Once a new species appears it persists often without change in form for eons of time. If a species disappears there are no transitional forms between it and the species which replace it. They argue also that the many species of plants and animals have truly been 'created', for their development has occurred in a manner exactly opposite to a random process. Thus, forms of ever greater complexity have appeared with time, whereas the reverse would be predicted by the random mutation theory. Creationists have debated with evolutionists so effectively before public forums that the latter are no longer willing to participate in such debates.

Therefore, in answer to the question, how were they formed?, men upon the moon, like men on this earth, have simply been created by the Divine. The sequence of events occurring in the creation of the species are still mysteries that are unexplored by the natural sciences. A binding tradition holds them back from that exploration.

In conclusion we can see in this analysis that the pronouncements of NASA in their seeming rejection of the possibility of there being life on the moon are mistakenly negative; and further that the photographs taken on the various missions to the moon yield many indications of there being intelligent activity, and therefore human beings, created by the Lord, in and on that planet. It is hoped that this brief study is only a beginning and that others will greatly expand and pursue it with an affirmative, but careful, attitude into the many avenues of research on the topic which are available.

      See comment Blinding You With Science, by Fred Elphick


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Men Upon the Moon

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